Sunday, January 26, 2014


Sometimes it isn't what you know, but who you know. Other times, it isn't so much that you know who you help, but you help the right person. Yesterday karma paid us back in a huge way. One of the parents my wife works with is a manager of a mobile wireless retail store. Since my wife has been working with him to help keep his daughter in the dance class she loves, he was willing to do all he could for us from his place of business. The bottom line was we ended up shaving over $80 a month off of our mobile bill, and also added a tablet (which was free) and data service for it. This gentleman also did the same thing for my sister. I know there are many out there that knock the cell phone provider I have, and some of it is deservedly so, but I have never had a problem with their customer service and this is another example of why I stick with them. I'm also more confident staying with them as their data, while by no means at the levels of other providers, is improving every day. Bottom line is this company works for my needs, at the most efficient price. So as I sit her on this lovely Sunday, doors open, breeze coming through the house, I wish you all to find that karmic retribution that pays you back in just the way that fits your needs.

Thursday, January 16, 2014


There is definitely poison in the atmosphere at work.  I get it.  Year-end is stressful in this environment.  Stress leads to weakened immune systems, sickness sets in, the ability to cope lowers.  Still, the poison is growing tiresome.  I’m definitely empathetic, but I no longer wish to hear complaints about every little thing.  You have to take some ownership of the situation, especially if you are habitually ill for no good reason other than you are trying to manipulate the PTO black out due to your own unhappiness with your current situation.  I don’t want to be in my position any more than anybody else, but if you allow the poison overtake you, you become the weak link.  You become the black sheep.  You make yourself an outcast.  You become sheeple.  Rise above.  Find creative solutions.  Be proactive as opposed to reactive.  Make a difference or shut the fuck up.  Don’t spread your negativity, it isn’t fair to others. If you can’t do your part, others suffer.  Move on.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Today is the first lull I’ve seen in work since December began.  Working in a tax driven industry, this is our busy time of year.  I know the hectic days aren’t over as we have mandatory overtime this weekend, but at least there is now a light at the end of the tunnel.  In retrospect, I think working in the payroll industry is one of the reasons I have such an enmity for the holiday season.  While everyone else is slowing down and partaking in the festivities the season allots, we are faced with increased pressure and hostility.  For now it’s just the means to an end, hopefully the future holds better things so that I might enjoy more of the things people outside the industry enjoy.
And of course as soon as I finished writing that the flood gates opened.  One of the difficulties I face is that I rely on others to complete my job, yet I am the name attached and the one that is given the blame if all parties don’t perform as they should.  The incompetence I am surrounded by is staggering some times, especially when the problem is repeated.  Hopefully we can save face, as the resulting loss of business would by my hit, not anybody else’s. With that said, I’m off to put out fires (being a fireman is a secondary responsibility around here, yet seems to be a full time job).  Hopefully you are all enjoying the new year more so than I am thus far.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


When driving, how should you treat a flashing red light? Just like a stop sign is the correct answer. This is a basic rule, one that any driver should know in order to obtain a license. Want proof people are too stupid to drive? Find one of those asinine crosswalks with the push button that initiates a red light. You know, the kind they put about a quarter mile from any intersection that already has a traffic control light because society is too lazy to walk that far out of their way to get anywhere. Wait for one of those bad boys to go off and watch as everybody in a car sits and waits for the light to stop flashing. Never mind the fact there is a sign that says ok to proceed once clear. I'm telling you, it's the little things like this that make you realize that overpopulation is a more serious issue than we think it to be. There are a bunch of people out there that mother nature needs to weed out, yet we merrily go along coming up with new scientific ways to save lives and keep more people around. The more we save, the more we bring about our demise. /Rant.

Saturday, January 4, 2014


Life is hard on a body. Some days you wake up feeling invincible, but other days you wake up sore and run down. The older I get the more frequent these days become. It makes you begin to realize your mortality. You begin to realize you can't just plow through life like you thought you could when you were a teenager. On the other hand, I'm very stubborn and refuse to give into the idea that I can't just plow through life. I know I have several medical issues that I choose to ignore, that while they don't hinder me useless, if addressed could definitely improve my quality of life, yet I plow on. Part of that is to be blamed on finances. If it isn't absolutely necessary, I don't want (nor do I really have) the money to address it. I would much rather spend any "free" money I have on my family. It's sad that in today's world, where information is available on demand, where you can communicate in a flash to the other side of the world and beyond, finances still limit the ability to take care of basic things. But as a corollary to that, it's a shame I don't have a stronger work ethic to put myself in a position where I don't have to worry about finances. Then again, do I want to devote myself to work or to family? As you can see today I'm just a waffling lack of focus. So to that, I bid you adieu. Have a safe weekend all, and if you are in the Phoenix area, get outside. It's January 4th and going to be 72 today. Gotta love that.