Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I’m now more convinced than ever that the health care exchanges set up under PPACA (or Obamacare as most of you know it) are a sham.   As I mentioned earlier, traffic was so busy Saturday I couldn’t complete an application.  So, I tried again last night, with, what I though, was some success.  I was able to enter all of my personal information, family info, wage info, etc. and submitted my application.  Upon completion there was a notification that some systems were down (big ups to Congress for this) and verification would take 24 – 48 hours.  Well this morning I had an email stating I had a message on the web site and to log in and check it.  Upon logging in it said I needed to complete my application and took me back to the beginning steps of entering my personal information.  WTF??  I am sure I am like most of you where you have a certain window to apply for benefits through work next year (aka open enrollment).  I’m also pretty sure that coverage through the exchange is probably going to be more than what it would be through my employer, but I’d at least like to see the rates.  This is getting ridiculous.  I think this whole exchange is a farce set up to fluster the public to the point they accept whatever coverage they can get out of fear of having to pay penalties next year.  The fact that employer sponsored coverage is so high, most Americans are going to have to seek social programs just to meet basic needs, thus the Obama administration will succeed in converting America to a socialist state.  Ok, I know that most of what I’m saying is out of frustration, but it’s pretty hard to draw any other conclusions.  I would be interested in hearing some success stories involving PPACA, but my gut tells me there will be next to none.  If you do have any luck, please share with the rest of us.

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