Saturday, July 19, 2014


I can't believe it has been as long as it has been since I last posted anything. Life has been moving by fast. I was contacted unexpectedly last week about the possibility of some major life changes. I don't want to delve into what those are at the moment, but I'm very excited and should know more soon. I find it somewhat ironic that this "thing" is happening at this time. I look at my post title and realize my year long self-discovery mission is dwindling down. There is less than a month until the year mark, and then it's done. I am not sure what I will do after that. I don't want to say I'll abandon this blog, but I think I want to stick to my goal and leave it as a year mission. I'll probably pick up a new one, just so I can keep spreading my thoughts that are deeper than 140 characters out into the universe. So while it might be somewhat cheesy, I think my theme song for today is Bowie's "Changes." Lots of them are happening and the bulk of them are good. My year long storm isn't over yet, but the clouds are definitely breaking up and the sun is shining through. The bulk of negativity and despair that I've been harboring, not only for the past year, but for the past few years seems to be in the rear view mirror. I'm looking forward to what the future holds and leaving what the past had behind.

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