Monday, September 9, 2013


Rainy days and Mondays….yeah I know, sounds like a horrible 70’s song.  But Mondays do suck.  Rainy days, I actually like, but for whatever reason when you combine the two the whole vibe around you seems to change.  There is a definitely a noticeably different vibe in my office today which I can only attribute to today being a rainy Monday.  I have to admit, I feel a little down too.  It could be because I see no end in sight as to getting my car fixed, at least from a financial standpoint.  Couple that with what I can assume will be an astronomical hospital bill from my daughter’s accident Friday and well, feeling a little blue today seems justifiable.  Not looking for a pity party, but stating facts.  It isn’t going to end me nor do I sense an extreme case of despair, just another rainy Monday.
The plus side, and ultimate distraction for me, is that the 2013 NFL season kicked off this weekend.  Opening weekend is by far my favorite weekend of the year.  Every football fan is filled with hope and every team is at an even keel.  Unfortunately for some (cough Jacksonville fans, cough) this is the best it will get all year.  For others, it’s the beginning of a magical ride that will culminate in a Superbowl victory in February.  To everyone else, it’s a fantastic roller coaster of ups and downs, celebrations and cursing, congratulations and second guessing.  It’s also a time for everyone to wait and see how the Dallas Cowboys crap the bed this December.  The other great thing about football season kicking off is it’s a reminder that fall is nearly upon us. 
Fall might be my favorite season. Football aside, we start the string of pumpkin flavored everything and as such I had my first pumpkin iced coffee of the year from Dunkin Donuts this weekend along with a pumpkin donut.  Fall is also great because we start the shutdown of our year.  Holidays quickly approach and we begin to reminisce on the long road we have traveled and reflect on the hope that the New Year will bring.  The days begin to shorten and the weather cools (except for us here in Arizona, we have a few more months of summer). Traditionally we celebrate the harvest of the hard work of spring and summer, we feast, we fight, we reconcile, we carry on…we prepare to put to bed another trip around the Sun and ready for the next go round. 
So while the rain and Monday combine as a little downer, yanging that yin is the bliss that is another season of football and another fall to reflect upon the year that has passed

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