Thursday, September 5, 2013


I’m taking the crux of today’s post from some comments made on Facebook.  Basically I stated I think the implosion of our country as we know it will stem from the arrogance of our leaders, and while the delivery method may be a foreign source, the root cause of the problem is from within.  What I mean by that is that we make our own enemies by interfering in the affairs of others.  We overstep our bounds, albeit more than likely for altruistic reasons, but we assume we know better than others how others should live. It’s almost an evangelical approach to life.  Just like Christians going on “missions” to convert indigenous heathens into the fold of God, we push “western lifestyle” and values on other parts of the world.  Now, I for one love the comforts that living in an industrialized society provide. I’m a techno geek admittedly.  The advancements that are coming every day in technology and medicine are remarkable.  However, to paraphrase Dr. Malcolm in Jurassic Park, we are “so preoccupied with whether or not (we) could that (we) never stop to think if (we) should.”  We have seen throughout history that conservation isn’t always the best recourse.  Look at the efforts in place to save certain species, which have led to overpopulation, which in turn leads to a lack of food, and because of the righteous efforts to save we have created misery among all.  People tend to forget that humans are just animals on this planet along with all the others.  Sure, we are the dominant species, but we are animals none the less.  We are arrogant in the face of nature.  We think we know better, but really what place do we have to dictate the grand plan nature has for us?  I know it’s easy to say when we are removed from the situation, sitting comfortably in our climate controlled abodes, with pretty much our every whim available at our fingertips, while the death and disease are far removed from our everyday lives, but you have to think there is some truth to it.  We have no problem letting our neighbors live their lives inside their houses, but we can’t let our distant neighbors in other countries live out their own lives.  It’s almost as if we are hypocritical by nature.  It probably all boils down to power, the most corrosive substance on the planet.  As long as we wield power, we have a feeling of superiority.  As long as we feel superior, we have no problem telling people how to be and what to do for their own good.  It trickles down too.  Leaders make laws for the population, parents make rules for their kids, older siblings tell their younger siblings what to do.  It’s natural, but it doesn’t make it right.  We will never progress as a species until no one person wields power over another.  Nature wiped out the dominant species before, and it looks like we are on the road to doing her a solid and taking ourselves out.  I hope I’m wrong.  I hope humans carry on, but I think it is going to take a major house cleaning in order for that to happen.  It is going to take far more suffering that we are willing to admit.  We are going to have to destroy ourselves in order to be reborn.  As much as it’s a great time to be alive it’s also a sad time.  Yin-Yang. Until next time

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