Tuesday, September 3, 2013


+ Mike Sullivan was kind enough to mention me in a thread on Google + today. It was an interesting thread about vloging. I myself prefer to blog as it allows me to not only choose my words more carefully, but it also saves all of you from having to look at my face while I echo the musings running through my mind. You are welcome by the way. One of the themes though was history. Better yet, making yourself a part of history. The gist was by vlogging you were able to leave a record of yourself for future generations to discover. Basically, anything you put on the internet will remain forever (EMP usage notwithstanding), and I think that anybody, be it bloggers, vloggers, or any user of social media is in essence leaving a record of themselves for people to find. I think it's great. I love that we can basically record ourselves for posterity. I've recently felt the urge to search my roots and have spent many hours working on a family tree so that I can get a better grasp of who I am by looking at those that came before me. I wish there were more records of people to be found. I know not everyone has an interesting story, but everyone has a story, and just like books, or movies, it's up to the audience to decide how willing they are to invest themselves into following the story. I encourage all of you to blog, or vlog, or maintain a diary. You don't have to make it public, but it's a great way for future generations to look into their past and see where they came from, and who knows, you may be more entertaining than you think, but nobody will know unless you try.  A word of advice though, just reposting shit from Pinterest doesn't express who you are and is quite annoying. Please, don't be that person.

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