Saturday, August 31, 2013


Good morning my fellow humanoids. I hope you are all enjoying the start to a long, relaxing weekend. I do apologize for not posting yesterday, it was extremely busy. That's the funny thing about long weekends, they are usually bookmarked by utter chaos. It's not like there is any less work to do, you just have less time to do it in. The day before is usually a mad scramble to get as much in as possible and the day after is usually filled with fixing all the mistakes you made trying to cram everything in before you left. I hope most of you are staying home, because travelling anywhere on these long weekends makes things even worse. First there is the traffic getting in/out of town. Then there are the crowds because everyone is on vacation at the same time. Long weekends really are a no win situation when you think about it. Sadly enough, for a majority of us these long weekends are the only time we really get any extra time off. Sure, most of us have vacation days, or as the corporate world is going PTO days. My company no longer offers sick and vacation days. We strictly have PTO days, which can be used as sick or vacation, no distinction between the two. I don't mind it. Having kids it's nice to know you have the time off to take if they get sick. I remember when I my oldest daughter was little there were times if I needed to take off to tend to her I was shit out of luck as far as getting paid went because the company I worked for stuck to a strict sick day policy. You couldn't use vacation days unless they were planned. Pretty stupid in my eyes. I mean, you offer the days, the employee should be able to use them at their discretion so long as it doesn't interrupt the flow of business. In addition, the best way to retain the best employees is by keeping them happy. All of the top companies know that. Technology has made the world a much smaller place and the large corporations need to understand they don't dictate all of the terms anymore. Employees can now work remotely and travel faster, they are no longer at the whim of whatever corporation or business is local. The control has shifted in a way. Of course, there is a yang to that yin in that other employees are just as capable of taking your place. There has to be a balance in the employee/employer relationship and the companies that thrive recognize that. Hopefully, if you have to work, you get to work for one of the companies that recognizes this.

Well folks, I do believe I have taken up enough of your time for a Saturday morning (at least here in Phoenix it's still technically morning). I'm going to go start my staycation by throwing in a load of laundry and possibly having a bowl of cereal. I'm really not sure, I'm loving the peace and quiet in the house right now and I don't know if I want to make too much noise while my youngest is still asleep. So while I try to decide how to spend my day, I hope you are making the most of yours. Again as always, I appreciate you spending your time reading my mind. Have a great day.

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