I’m really trying to avoid politics in my blog, but given the current status of the world, it’s pretty hard. The atrocities occurring in Syria on a human scale dictate the need for some intervention, unfortunately the globe is not in consensus on this and any humanitarian action taken to save the masses being slaughtered will be met defiantly. The United States is again flaunting its status as World Police and threatening an attack on Syrian forces. Russia, who is friendly with the current Syrian regime, is strongly opposed to any intervention. Tensions are already strained between the US and Russia over the Snowden incident and the Syrian situation isn’t helping. Russia has threatened retribution for interference but the US is not backing down. There was a time when the majority of the US would support this action, but the world is a different place now. Wars are no longer isolated to distant theaters. Modern weaponry makes the entire globe a battlefield and anybody, at any moment is a viable target. A US strike doesn’t just put soldiers in harm’s way; it puts the entire nation in harm’s way. Russia alone poses the ability to strike US soil if provoked. Add in a potential nuclear Iran who would side with Russian and Syria in a conflict and that increases the likelihood of US assets being targeted. Granted the US has the support of The UK and France in this situation, but is that enough given today’s cache of global weaponry? My concern would extend past all of this and include North Korea, who, given an already spread thin US military presence across the globe, could act as a rogue agent and attack. No doubt that would lead to US retribution and any attack against North Korea would draw in China. Throw in a few other countries around the world taking sides and we are on the door step of the next global war; one that would have the ability to affect civilians globally. Now I really, really hope I’m suffering from extreme paranoia in this instance, but I fear too many people are taking this situation too lightly. Here’s hoping I’m wrong, but are you prepared if I’m right?
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