Thursday, August 29, 2013


What a day. I was busy as all get out at work, then on the way home my transmission decided to die.  Not my finest day to say the least. But, now I'm home resigned to my chambers, watching the news on a TV suspended from my wall, and writing a blog post from my cell phone. I love technology. Not only does it make life easier, it allows us to do things unimaginable to the generation prior to us when they were our age.  I remember coming home one day when I was five. I climbed down the steps of the bus, ran up the front stairs, stepped through the screen door and there was a strange man blocking the TV. I remember the horror when I thought I was going to be denied seeing Scooby Doo. Turns out this was the cable man and he was not hindering my afternoon delight, he was revolutionizing my life. Now after school, Scooby Doo works come in more clear and vivid than I ever thought imaginable. Flash forward to today and my daughter, who is a year younger than I was when I first experienced a technological revolution, watches any cartoon, video, movie, etc. she wants on a piece, of metal not a whole lot thicker than aluminum foil, with a piece of glass attached. I never on my wildest dreams would have considered that a reality at her age and here it is as common to her and her daily life, as is juice or Barbie. It is absolutely amazing that something like this exists. In fact I was reflecting the other day about how far we have come in just the past 10 years.  See, my daughters are 10 years apart. When my older one was my other daughter's age, we were constantly playing the same Frosty The Snowman on a VCR on the 19" TV that I had as the "big" TV in my living room. Today my four year old watches digital streaming media of pretty much whatever she can dream up, on a 47" TV ( that is considered average size by today's standards and weighs far less than that old 19" unit). She is only 10 younger and has pretty much missed the entire span of time where DVDs and Blu-Ray where the dominant technologies. I can't begin to think what will be common in the next 10 years (assuming we survive that long) and what will be obsolete.  I'm off kiddos, to enjoy all of the science fiction the surrounds me. Remind me to tell you why this could be the worst thing to ever happen to society at another time.

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