Wednesday, August 28, 2013


So here I am, sitting in my new desk.  No view, just walls.  I’m disappointed, but not upset.  There was a huge furor over this move, so much so that the operations manager sent an email out telling everyone to calm down.  I guess people are resistant to change.  I guess they don’t realize life is change.  We all have highs and lows.  The greater the high, the greater the low.  I almost feel bad for people that have a solid life of consistency; they don’t know the exhilaration of the highs.  Granted, they don’t know the despair of the lows, but it’s the experience of the two that make you appreciative of the other end of the spectrum.  Think of amusement park rides, which ones are more fun?  The ones with the ups and downs, or the flat boring ride?  This correlates to my previous post about the rapids while tubing.   See how life intertwines? 
I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge that today is the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech.  Funny enough, the original speech didn’t include the dream parts, he was responding to a person in the crowd that told him to tell everyone about his dream, and thus began his sermon on equality.  While we reflect upon this great moment in time, we must also consider the fact we are potentially standing on the door step of the next Great War as well.  This goes back to my post on yin-yang.  There must be equality and with the remembrance of great hope we are faced with great despair.  Enough of my rambling for the day, enjoy yourselves. 

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